Featured Success Stories

This sample shows the wide range of vegan/plant-based initiatives happening in corporations. Browse the full A-Z list below.

All Success Stories (Companies A to Z)

Use the filters and search option to narrow down the list by Company, Industry, Initiative Type or other key words. Have a story which you don't see listed? Submit a story.

Are there even more vegan success stories?

Yes! We know many more companies and organizations have had similar stories, and more are underway. Our goal is to keep adding to this list as we receive and verify submissions. If you are aware of a vegan corporate story that is not listed - whether you are an employee, the initiative leader or just someone who came across an online story - let us know! Also, use this information to talk to you employer about this mega-trend. Use this list to get concrete ideas for what other companies and vegan initiative leaders have done, and drive the next success story.


This website is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any of the above companies. Being listed on this site merely represents that a verified vegan/plant-based initiative took place within the company, as reported in media or made known to us by other means. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners.