Cruelty-Free Investing
A non-profit investor resource which categorizes all American publicly traded companies as either “Exploits Animals” or “Does Not Exploit Animals”, with specifics.
Low Fee Vegan Investing
Low-fee vegan investing information by Tom Nowak, CFP of Quantum Financial Planning.
Humane Investing LLC
A vegan owned business provides financial planning services (fee only; not an SEC Registered Investment Advisor) for investors interested in investments to improve the world.
Optimized Partners’ Vegan Investment Management
This investment manager started in 1995 as the first and only investment adviser in the US focusing exclusively on the humane/environmentally and vegan oriented investor. Offers investment management via two investment partners.
Motif Investing – Vegetarian and Vegan Composite
Motif investment platform offers investments in “motifs”, intelligently weighted baskets of up to 30 stocks and ETFs built around themes and investing styles. A Vegan/Vegetarian oriented motif is an available option.
Vegan Publicly Traded Stocks
List of publicly traded vegan companies listed on major U.S. exchanges